sábado, 19 de marzo de 2011

PART U. Rubén Sánchez

When you started running to the village your leg started to hurt,so you have to sat next to a tree to saw your leg.The man that goes with you he saw your leg  was bleeding again and he put some water in the woundand and   with his t-shirt and bandaged your leg.You said that you was hungry and the man also, so the man go to see something to eat , you can not go with the man because your leg hurts,so the man return have a dead boar to eat in his hands.
When the nightfall became,you had to slept with the man next to a tree.When dawned you didn`t knew where you are, and the man didin`t was there, so you have lost in the black forest.You continous in a path and in the floor you saw a footprint of a horse, you continuos the footprint and you hear a scream of a boy, you ran in the path and you saw hijackers with the man prisioner in a cave,and you hide behind bushes.When the hijackers went out you went into the cave to rescue the man. The man and you run away of this  place.When the man and you were in the path you hear some voices , you hide behind the bushes and the hijackers continuous you saw a snake and you scream , the man and you jump downhill and the man and you have landed in a lake, they went to a bank with a lot of pains in all the body of the jump.They hide to saw the hijackers, they didn`t se it and they went to the forest.They saw another path and they went on it very carefully.The next day there was a terrible storm with a lot of wind and with a lot of rainy.The next morning was a lot of tre on the path, a rockfall, and they have to draw a lot of objets , animals , rocks...And they continuous in the same path and five hours and a half they went to the village.


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